Jin Keun Seo (서진근), Professor Emeritus
School of Mathematics and Computing (Computational Science and Engineering)
Yonsei University
Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis
Haeeun Han
CSE Scientific Writing and Presentation Skills I & II.
Scientific Writing
Identify your work: What was done? What was found? What was conclude?
Be clear, logical, precise, and concise
Avoid overly sensational expression.
Please download Presentation Evaluation Form
Halmos "How to talk Mathematics"
Ten Secrets to Giving a Good Scientific Talk (for engineers)
Flexibility. Because of the unpredictability of the precise timing (you didn't rehearse enough, the audience asks questions during the talk, the lecture's room is reserved for another lecture at 5:00 sharp, or you just plain get mixed and waste time trying to get unscrambled), flexibility is an important quality to build into a lecture.
CSE Education
Good Presentation:
Example: Pan Xiaomin: Explicit & Semin-implicit projection method for incompressible NS
Your presentation and article should include the followings (extracted from the webpage http://www.rw.ethz.ch/fallstudien/vortrags_tipps_EN):
1. Overview
2. Introduction
- essence of subject
- which problem is going to be addressed
3. Model
- physical basis, equations aspects
- computational aspects
- approximations made
4. Results of computation
- which parameters were varied?
- comparison with experiment
- do results validate model?
- limitations of model
5. Conclusions, further research.
- Use self-made slides
- Don't read from notes, but from slides
- Don't loose yourself in details
- Stay within time limit
- Summarize what you have presented
Submit Manuscript, Review, Revise:
Remember that nearly all referees have spent at least an hour of their personal/family time in refereeing your paper without being paid for it. If you (as a lead author) receive a
huge list of comments, it usually means that the referee is trying very hard to help you improve the paper to get it accepted. Reject statements are usually short, and do not allow you an open door to resubmit.
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