Jin Keun Seo (서진근), Professor Emeritus
School of Mathematics and Computing (Computational Science and Engineering)
Yonsei University
Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis
Haeeun Han
CSE Seminar (click below)
CSE Seminar: Recent progress on X-ray CT
Time: June 14, 2017 (10:00-15:00) -
2017.4.14, Zooming techniques for ultrasound images
2017년 4월 12, Nonivasive bioimpedance Imaging & Analysis
2017.3.24, CSE-NIMS medical image computing
2016년 12월 21일, Wotao Yin, University of California, Los Angeles, Recent Advances in Optimization and Applications to Some Imaging Problems
2016년 11월 15일, Marc Kachelrieß University of Heidelberg and German Cancer Research Center, Computerized Tomography
Medical Image Computing: Challenging Issue and Future Direction
Time: June 8-12, 2015
Place: Yonsei university, Seoul, Korea
Content: Lessens from three decades of mathematical techniques in imaging
(1) What we know from our experience
(2) What we do not know yet
(3) What applications are promising
(4) What we should do to facilitate technical progress
Participants(Invitation only): JK Seo, CO Lee, MJ Kang, Honkei Zhao, Zuowei Shen, Jianfeng Cai, Hao Gao, Xun Jia Bin Dong, EJ Woo, two medical doctors and two from industry
Computed Tomography: Challenging Issue and Future Direction
Time: March 9-11, 2015
Place: Yonsei university, Seoul, Korea
Content: Beam hardening artifacts corrections
(1) Allen Hall 11:30- 1:30 (March 9,10,,11)
[13th December 2013, 10AM, 상남경영원] Lessons from three decades of electrical impedance imaging and bio-impedance
[ 5:00pm~6:00pm, Dec.12. 2013, 첨단관 420호] CSE MIC lecture : David Holder Title: Developing Electrical Impedance Tomography of brain function – is it the Tower of Babel or the United Nations ? Experiences and recent advances over 25 years
학회참가/해외학자초/국내 미팅/세미나
August 3 - 7, CT Meeting 2020 (Regensburg, Germany) www.ct-meeting.org
Jan 27-31, Deep learning and medical applications, IPAM, UCLA
30 Dec 2019 – 3 Jan 2020 Sanya workshop, China
11월 28일 삼성 AFI 미팅
11월 27(수), EIT 모임 with DH (15:00-17:00)
11월 22 (금); 김성준(강남세브란스) 강연
11월 8일(금) - 10일(일), 한국산업응용수학회, 여수 베네치아 호텔
9월 25-28(연세대), 5th international workshop on MRI phase contrast & Quantitative susceptibility mapping
9월 23일 강연: 한림원석학과의 만남"제 4차 산업혁명과 인공지능 그리고 수학" (조선대부속고등학교 15:30-16:30)
9월 7일 ICT, 삼성전자 서울R&D캠퍼스(서울 우면동)
June 27-28 : Series of Lectures on Waves and Imaging, ETH, 스위스
July 1-3: EIT2019, London
July 8-12 : applied inverse problem conference, Saint-Martin, France
July 15-19: ICIAM 2019, Spein
Nov 2-3, KSIAM , 제주도 라마다 호텔
Aug 30-31, 워크샵: 바이오 의료영상 딥러닝, 과학기술회관
Aug,13-17, The 9th International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics, Singapore.
Aug 7: IBS, 중앙대학교 R&D 센터
June 5-8, SIAM Conference on IMAGING SCIENCE, 2018 Bologna - Italy
May 20-23, The Fifth International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography , Salt Lake City, Utah
July 4-6, International conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, Amsterdam
June 11-13, EIT2018, university of Edinberg
April 21-24, Workshop on Inverse Problem and Imaging Sciences, Beijing
April 20-21, 2018 대한수학회 봄발표회 기조강연, 경희대 Mathematics of deep learning and medical applications
March 9, 포항공대 콜로퀴움, Mathematics of Medical Image Analysis and Machine Learning
January 8-11, 2018 CSE Winter School, Computational Science & Machine Learning ,
SonofelIce, Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon-Do, Korea
12월 2일 다산학회
11월 16일 "의료영상 인공지능및 데이터사이언스 센터"
11월 10일 삼성 Annual Forum "Micro-local analysis for CT"
10월 12-15, CSIAM in Qingdao(Title: Deep learning in medical image analysis)
9월 29일 Industrial mathematics: Electrical Impedance Imaging & its practical application ( 딥러닝을 이용한 전기 임피던스 이미징 & Body fat EIT (이경훈, 유민하), EIT SW 개발 현황 및 어려운점 (전기완, 우응제)
9월 22일 초음파에서 기계학습 (송태경 교수 및 초음파 연구팀 참가)
8월 1-25일 Yizhuang Song 방문
8.11, 기조강연(의료영상에서의 인공지능),수학교사 한마당, KT인재개발원
8.9, 초청강연(수학과딥러닝), 한민포럼, 한민고등학교 비젼홀
7월 11일-15, IEEE EMBC17, 제주도 (regularization 강연)
7월 10일 Deep Learning workshop (예종철 교수 주관) : 딥러닝 강연
6월 18일-23일, Fully 3D 2017 (중국 서안, 일정)
6월 2-17일, 몽고 Muggi 방문
6월 14일, Recent progress on X-ray CT, Larry Zeng (Weber state U.), Hyoung Suk Park
5월 29-6월 2일, AIP2017, Hangzhou, China (불참)
4월 27일, 초청강연(아주대 학부학생 대상), 의료영상에서의 딥러닝
4월 12-19일, 초청 강연 Raymond Chan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
4월 10-14: 초청 강연 Rutkove,Seward (Harvard university)
4월 7일: 3D Cephalometry & Deep Learning,이상휘 교수 연세대 치과대학
3월 31일 초음파 영상진단기의 기술 추이, 김철안 상무 삼성메디슨(주)
3월 24일, 한반도 지진의 특성과 당면과제, 홍태경 교수 연세대 지구시스템과학과
2월 13-16, Inverse Problems in medical imaging, 동경대학, 일본
1월 8일-30, Yizhuang Song (Shandong normal university)
1월 9-12일, organizer & tutorial lecture, The 2nd Winter School in Imaging Science, Sonofelice, Hongcheon-Gun, Gangwon-Do, Korea
12월 1일, 초청강연, 수리과학연구소 "기후변화와 자연재해에 대처하는 수학" 워크숍
11월 15-16일, 세미나 개최, Computerized Tomography 특별강연, Dr. Marc Kachelrieß University of Heidelberg and German Cancer Research Center
11월 10일, 초청강연, 대구 DGIST 초인류 연구인프라센터 개소식 (computaional mathematical imaging and data science
July 25 - 28, 초청강연, Mathematics in Imaging, Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
July 18 - July 22, 2016, Bamberg, Germany, 4th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography
June 27-30, 초청강연, Harvard CMSA "workshop on Optimization in Image Processing", Havard university
June 19-23, ICEBI 2016 & EIT at Stockholm
May 23-29, (불참, Scientific committee) Inverse Problems: Modeling & simulation, Fethiye, Turkey
Sept. 28-Oct. 2, Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDE, the Institute for Advanced Study, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Webpage
10-14 Aug. 2015, ICIAM 2015 at Beijing (http://www.iciam2015.cn/)
16-19 Aug. 2015, The 2nd Chongqing workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Chongqing University in Chongqing China, travelguide
10-14 Aug. 2015, mini-symposium of 2015 ICIAM, recent mathematical and computational studies of inverse problems in various wave propagation models, including acoustic, electromagnetic, optical, elasticity, and quantum wave propagation.
6-9 Aug. 2015, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Satellite Conference of 2015 ICIAM, International Conference on Inverse Problems hosted by Department of Mathematics and Center for Interdisciplinary Applied and Computational Mathematics
14-19 Jun. 2015, Hybrid Methods in Imaging workshop at Banff (http://www.birs.ca/events/2015/5-day-workshops/15w5012)
25-29 May 2015, AIP2015, Helsinki, Finland (http://aip2015.fips.fi/)
12/13-14, 2014, Seoul-Tokyo Conference: Applied Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Applications,KIAS, Seoul, Korea (organizer)
11/21-23, 2014, A3 Foresight Program,Conference on the Modeling and Computation of Applied Inverse Problems (http://a3ip.weebly.com/conference.html)
12/15-19, 2014, ICICP 2014 at Taiwan(http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~jnwang/icip2014/)
IPTA2014(12-28 Aug2014), Bristol, UK
ISMRM 2014(10-16 May) Milan, Italy
SIAM IS (May 12-14, 2014), Hong Kong
EIT2014 (April24-26-27,2014), Ontario, Canada
해외학자 방문교수(2015년)
1.23-2.6: 무기
2.24-3.7: 송의장
3.23-27: CT 칼텍
3.18-4.28: Bastian
6.8-22: Hongkei Zhao, Zhowei
4.2 : 중앙대학교 콜로퀴움: Compactness & Dirichlet principle
3.7 연세대 영제센터: 의학속의 수학