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Jin Keun Seo's  Vita & Publications


1.  Deep Learning and Medical Applications, JK Seo, Springer Nature (2023)

2.  Electro-Magnetic tissue properties MRI, Jin Keun Seo,Eung Je Woo, Ulrich Katscher and Yi Wang, Imperial College Press, 2014

2. Nonlinear Inverse Problems in Imaging, Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo, Wiley Press, 2012

3. Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Imaging I, H  Ammari(ed),  Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1983, Springer, 2009

4. Electrical Impedance Tomography: Methods, History and Applications: Chapter 9 (editor: D S Holder, ISBN: 0750309520, IOP),IOP Publishing, 2005.

5. Medical Imaging Systems Technology: Modalities: Chapter 7(editor: C T Leondes, ISBN: 9812569928, World Scientific),C T Leondes (ed), World Scientific, 2005.


[업적관리]    [강연신고]     [수업]

Awards and Honors: 삼일문화상(삼일문화재단, 2016.3.1).  ICIAM2015 초청강연(세계산업응용수학회,베이징), 제1회 디아이 수학자상(대한수학회 2015.10.24), 제 1회 금곡상(산업응용수학회 2013.11.2), Best Teacher Award from Yonsei university (2007,2008), Best Outcome in Science: World class university, MEST, Korea government(2011), Plenary talks at XII ICEB2004, AZIAM2004, AIP2007, ICFBI2007., 대한수학회 논문상(2000.5), 연세대 학술상(2000.5) 

Editorial Board: 1. inverse Problems (IOP)  2. Mathematics in Industry(Springer Valag), 2.Inverse problems and imaging(IPI) 


6.. [출원번호: 16/144,666, US] 서진근, 김화평,현창민, 이성민, 이승철) 학습을 이용한 자기공명영상 복원을 위한 언더샘플링 장치 및 방법과 학습을 이용한 자기공명영상 복원 장치  및 방법, 그리고 이에 대한 기록 매체    (출원일자:: 2018-09-14)

5.[US8094936 B2] Method and apparatus to segment motion area in real-time to detect motion in surveillance camera system 2012.01.10
4.[US7847565 B2] System for electrical impedance tomography and method thereof 2010.12.07

3.[US20090030336 A1] Apparatus and detecting anomaly and method  thereof 2009.01.29

2.[US7440796 B2] System and method for three-dimensional visualization of conductivity and current density distribution in electrically conducting object 2008.10.21.
1.[US20070088210 A1] System and method for visualizing conductive and current density  distribution in object 2007.04.19


12. [출원번호: 10-2017-0108162]    권자영, 장재성, 서진근, 박예진, 김부권, 이성민, 태아의 신체 계측 방법 및 이를 이용한 태아의 신체 계측 디바이스 (출원일자:    2017-08-25)

11. [등록번호:10-1821046] 서진근, 박형석, CT 영상의 금속 인공물 측정 방법 및 장치, 금속 인공물 보정 결정 방법 (등록일자: 2018-01-16)
10. [등록번호: 10-1787902] 서진근, 이경훈,    전기 임피던스 단층 촬영 영상 생성을 위한 전도도 산출 방법 및 장치(등록일자:2017-10-12)    

9.[등록 10-1702739] 세포 및 조직 배양을 위한 실시간 모니터링 및 피드백 제어장치 및 그 방법, 2017.01.26
8. [등록번호:10-1742582]    이상휘, 서진근, 장재성, 수술용 턱뼈 위치 계측 장치 및 이를 운용하는 방법, (등록일자: 2017-05-26)        
7. [등록번호: 10-1717971] 이상휘, 서진근, 장재성, 안면골 형태분석 방법, 기록매체 및 안면골 형태분석 장치    (등록일자:2017-03-14)        
6. [등록번호: 10-171743313] 서진근, 박형석, 엑스레이 컴퓨터 단층촬영 환경에서 빔 경화현상에 의한 인공물 보정방법    (등록일자: 2017-03-13)     

6.[1015761710000] 진동을 이용한 전기임피던스 단층촬영 기법 (Mechanical vibration assisted electrical impedance tomography) 2015.12.03
4.[1014270280000] 스텐트가 삽입된 혈관 분석 시스템 (System for analizing stent-implanted blood vessel) 2014.07.30
3.[1012905170000] 촬영장치 및 이의 대상 추적제어방법(Photographing apparatus for controlling object trackingand method thereof) 2013.07.19
2.[1006605570000] 자속밀도 처리 장치 및 방법 (Apparatus and Method for processing magnetic flux density) 2006.12.15
1.[1005752100000] 이방성 도전율 및 전류밀도를 영상화하는 시스템 및 방법(System and Method for visualizing anisotropic conductivity and current  density) 2006.04.24

Journal Paper 

[189] HS Park, CM Hyun, SH Lee, JK Seo, K Jeon, Automatic 3D Registration of Dental CBCT and Face Scan Data using 2D Projection images, IEEE Acess(2024)
[188] HS Park, K Jeon, JK Seo, Neural Representation-Based Method for Metal-induced Artifact Reduction in Dental CBCT Imaging, arXiv preprint 
arXiv:2307.14579 (2024)

[187] Hyun Cheol Cho, Ja-Young Kwon, Yun Ji Jung, Siyu Sun, Tae Jun Jang, Sungwook Park, Jin Keun Seo, Ultrasound probe motion-induced contextual learning for the selection of standard axial planes in the fetal central nervous,  preprint  (2024)

[186]Hayan Kwon, Siyu Sun, Hye Sun Yun, Sungwook Park, Hyun Cheol Cho, Yun Ji Junga, Ja-Young Kwon, Jin Keun Seo, Deep learning-based automated measurement of cervical length in transvaginal ultrasound images of pregnant women, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics(2024)
[185]Tae Jun Jang, Hye Sun Yun, Jong-Eun Kim, Sang-Hwy Lee, and Jin Keun Seo, Fully automatic integration of dental CBCT images
and full-arch intraoral impressions with stitching error correction via individual tooth,  Medical Image Analysis (2024)

[184] Park HS, Hyun CM, Seo JK, Nonlinear ill-posed problem in low-dose dental cone-beam computed tomography,  IMA  J. iof Applied Mathematics (2023)

[183] KC Kim, TJ Jang, JK Seo, Deep Learning Techniques for Medical Image Segmentation and Object Recognition,Deep Learning and Medical Applications, 51-99, Springer Nature(2023)
HC Cho, S Sun, SW Park, JY Kwon, JK Seo, Artificial Intelligence for Fetal Ultrasound,Deep Learning and Medical Applications, 215-281, Springer Nature(2023)
[182] CM Hyun, JK Seo, Deep Learning for Ill Posed Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging, Deep Learning and Medical Applications, 319-339, Springer Nature(2023)
[181] H Kwon, A Jargal, JK Seo, Electrical Impedance Imaging, Deep Learning and Medical Applications, 283-317, Springer Nature(2023)
[180] CM Hyun, T Bayaraa, SM Lee, H Jung, JK Seo, Deep Learning for Dental Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, Deep Learning and Medical Applications, 101-175, Springer Nature(2023)
[179] Hyun CM, Bayaraa T, Yun HS, Jang TJ, Park HS, Seo JK. Deep learning method for reducing metal artifacts in dental cone-beam CT using supplementary information from intra-oral scan. Phys Med Biol. 2022 Aug 25;67(17).

[178]HS Park, K Jeon, SH Lee, JK Seo, Unpaired-Paired Learning for Shading Correction in Cone-Beam Computed Tomography,
IEEE Access (2022)
[177] H
young Suk Park, Jin Keun Seo, Chang Min Hyun, Sung Min Lee, Kiwan Jeon; A Fidelity-embedded Learning for Metal Artifact Reduction in dental CBCT,  Medical Physics (2022)
[176] Hye Sun Yun; Chang Min Hyun; Seong Hyeon Baek; Sang-Hwy Lee; Jin Keun Seo,    Automated 3D cephalometric landmark identification using computerized tomography, PLOS one (2022)

[175] Tae Jun Jang, Kang Cheol Kim, Hyun Cheol Cho, and Jin Keun Seo, A fully automated method for 3D individual tooth identification and segmentation in dental CBCT,  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2021)

[174] Siyu Sun, Ja Young Kwon, Yejin Park, Hyun Cheol Cho, Chang Min Hyun, and Jin Keun Seo, "Complementary Network for Accurate Amniotic Fluid Segmentation from Ultrasound Images"  IEEE Access (2021)

[173]Hyoung Suk Park, Junhwa Jung, and Jin Keun Seo, Pseudo-monochromatic Imaging in Industrial X-ray Computed Tomography, SIAM J. Imaging Science (2021) 

[172] Chang Min Hyun, Seong Hyeon Baek, Mingyu Lee, Sung Min Lee, Jin Keun Seo,Deep Learning-Based Solvability of Underdetermined Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging, Medical Image Analysis (2021)
[171] Hyun Cheol Cho, Siyu Sun, Chang Min Hyuna, Ja-Young Kwon, Bukweon Kim, Yejin Park, Jin Keun Seo, Automated ultrasound assessment of amniotic fluid index using deep learning, Medical Image Analysis (2021)

[170] Taigyntuya Bayaraa, Chang Min Hyun, Tae Jun Jang, Sung Min Lee, and Jin Keun Seo.A two-stage approach for beam hardening artifact reduction in low-dose dental CBCT"  IEEE Access.(2021)

[169] Kang Cheol Kim, Hyun Cheol Cho, Tae Jun Jang, Jong Mun Choi,  Jin Keun Seo, Automatic detection and segmentation of lumbar vertebra from X-ray images for compression fracture evaluation  Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. (2020)

[168] Song, Yizhuang; Sajib, Saurav ; Wang, Haiyang; Kwon, Hyeuknam; Chauhan, Munish; Seo, Jin; Sadleir, Rosalind, Low-frequency conductivity reconstruction based on a single current injection via MREIT,  Physics in Medicine and Biology (2020) 

[167] Kang Cheol Kim, Hye Sun Yun, Sungjun Kim,  and Jin Keun Seo, "Automation of Spine Curve Assessment in Frontal Radiographs Using Deep Learning of Vertebral-tilt Vector", IEEE Access (2020)

[166]  A Jargal, JK Seo, H Kwon,  On elliptic partial differential equations in bioimpedance, Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations (2020)

[165] Yun, Hye Sun; Jang, Taejun; Lee, Sung-Min; Lee, Sang-Hwy; Seo, Jin Keun, Learning-based local-to-global landmark annotation for automatic 3D cephalometry" Physics in Medicine and Biology (2020)

[164] Hyun, Chang Min; Kim, Kang Cheol; Cho, Hyun Cheol; Choi, Jae Kyu; Seo, Jin Keun, Framelet Pooling Aided Deep Learning Network: The Method to Process High Dimensional Medical Data", Machine Learning: Science and Technology (2020)

[163] Sung Ho Kang, Kiwan Jeon, Hak-Jin Kim, Jin Keun Seo, Sang-Hwy Lee, Automatic Three-Dimensional Cephalometric Annotation System Using Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks: A Developmental Trial, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization (2020)

[162] Lee, Sung Min;  Bayaraa, Taigyntuya; Jeong, Hosan; Hyun, Chang Min; Seo, Jin Keun , "A direct sinogram correction method to reduce metal-related beam-hardening in computed tomography" IEEE Access (2019)  

[161]H. S. Park, J. Baek, S. K. You, J. K. Choi, and J. K.  Seo, "Unpaired image denoising using a generative adversarial network in X-ray CT" IEEE Access (2019)  

[160]Kim, Hwa Pyung; Lee, Sung Min; Kwon, Ja-Young; Park, Yejin; Kim, Kang Cheol; Seo, Jin Keun. Automatic evaluation of fetal head biometry from ultrasound images using machine learning, Physiological Measurement (2019) 

[159] Jin Keun Seo, Kang Cheol Kim, Ariungerel Jargal, Kyounghun Lee and Bastian Harrach, A learning-based method for solving ill-posed nonlinear inverse problems: a simulation : a simulation study of Lung EIT," SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (2019) 

[158]Lee, Sung Min; Kim, Hwa Pyung; Jeon, Kiwan; Lee, Sang-Hwy; Seo, Jin Keun, Automatic 3D cephalometric annotation system using shadowed 2D image-based machine learning, Physics in Medicine and Biology (2019)

[157] Ji Wook Choi, Jaeseong Jang, Kiwan Jeon, Seongho Kang, Sang-Hoon  Kang, Jin Keun  Seo,  Sang-Hwy Lee, Three-Dimensional Measurement and Registration Accuracy of a Third Generation Optical Tracking System for Navigational Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology (2019) 

[156] Hyoung Suk Park, Sung Min Lee, Hwa Pyung Kim, Jin Keun Seo*, CT sinogram-consistency learning for metal-induced beam hardening correction, Medical Physics (2018)

[155]Kim, Bukweon; Kim, Kang Cheol; Park, Yejin; Kwon, Ja-Young; Jang, Jaeseong; Seo, Jin Keun*, Machine-learning-based Automatic Identification of Fetal Abdominal Circumference from Ultrasound Images, Physiological Measurement (Sep. 2018)

[154]Hyun, Chang Min; Kim, Hwa Pyung; Lee, Sung Min; Lee, Sungchul; Seo, Jin Keun, "Deep learning for undersampled MRI reconstruction" Physics in Medicine and Biology , vol 63, no 13 (2018)

[153] Zhou, Liangdong; Harrach, Bastian; Seo, Jin keun, Monotonicity-based Electrical Impedance Tomography for Lung Imaging" Inverse Problem, vol 34, no 4 (Mar. 2018)

[152] Tingting Zhang, Rihui Li, Tom Peter, Jin Keun Seo, Guanglin Li, Yingchun Zhang, Frequency-dependent Anisotropic Modelling and Analysis Using mfEIT: A Computer Simulation Study, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, (Jul. 2018)

[151]Y Song, JK Seo, M Chauhan, A Indahlastari, N Kumar, R Sadleir,  Accelerating acquisition strategies for low-frequency conductivity imaging using MREIT, Physics in Medicine and Biology (Feb,.2018) 

[150]Kyounghun Lee, Eung Je Woo, and Jin Keun Seo*, A Fidelity-embedded Regularization Method for Robust Electrical Impedance Tomography,  IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, vol 37, issue 9 (Sep. 2018) 

[149] Hyoung Suk Park, Jae Kyu Choi, JinKeun Seo, Characterization of Metal Artifacts in X-ray Computed Tomography, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (2017)

[148]Jaeseong Jang, Yejin Park, Bukweon Kim, Sung Min Lee, Ja-Young~Kwon, Jin Keun Seo, Automatic Estimation of Fetal Abdominal Circumference from Ultrasound Images, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2017)

[147] Y. Kee, Z. Liu, L. Zhou, A. Dimov, J. Cho, L. Rochefort,   J. K. Seo, and Y. Wang,Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Algorithms: Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges,  IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2017

[146] S. M. Lee, J. K. Seo, Y. E. Chung, J. Baek, H. S. Park,  A model-based sinogram correction for beam hardening artifact reduction in CT, Medical Physics (2017)

[145].Lee J, Choi N, Seo JK, Kim DH, Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography for small anomalies using Boundary Conditions: A Simulation Study,  Medical Physics (2017)

[144] H Ammari, H. Kwon, S. Lee, J. K. Seo, Mathematical framework for abdominal electrical impedance tomography to assess fatness, SIAM Imaging Science(2017)
[143] M. Chipot, K. Lee, J. K. Seo, Mathematical model of conductive fabric-based flexible pressure sensor, Applied Mathematical Modelling (2017)

[142] Habib Ammari,Laure Giovangigli, Loc Hoang Nguyenc,Jin-Keun Seo, Admittivity imaging from multi-frequency micro-electrical impedance tomography, Journal of Mathematical analysis and application, vol 449, 15 May 2017
[141] Y. Song, H. Ammari and J. K. Seo, Fast Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography with highly undersampled data, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences(2017)

[140] H. Ammari, L. Giovangigli , H . Kwon , J. Seo, T. Wintz, Spectroscopic conductivity imaging of a cell culture, Asymptotic Analysis(2017)

[139] Hyoung Suk Park, Hao Gao, Sung Min Lee, Jin Keun Seo, Towards Beam Hardening Correction for Polychromatic X-ray CT, Journal of Computational Mathematics (2016.12)

[138] Giovanni S. Alberti, Habib Ammari, Bangti Jin, Jin-Keun Seo, Wenlong Zhang, The linearized inverse problem in multifrequency electrical impedance tomography, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (2016).

[137] Habib Ammari; Tingting Zhang; Jin Keun Seo "Mathematical framework for multi-frequency identification of thin insulating and small conductive inhomogeneities" Inverse Problem (2016.7)

[136] Song, Yizhuang; Jeong, Woo Chul; Woo, Eung; Seo, Jin, "A method for MREIT-based source imaging: simulation studies", Physics in Medicine and Biology (2016.7)

[135] H. S. Park,  D.S. Hwang, J.K. Seo, Metal Artifacts Reduction for Polychromatic X-ray based on the Analytical Artifact Correction,  IEEE Trans medical imaging (2016)

[134] Jaeseong Jang, Chi Young Ahn, Jung-il Choi and Jin Keun Seo,Inverse Problem for Color Doppler Ultrasound-Assisted Intra-cardiac Blood Flow Imaging, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (2016)

[133] Munkh-Erdene Ts, Eunjung Lee,Liangdong Zhou, Kyoung Hun Lee, and Jin Keun Seo,  Remote real time monitoring for underground contamination in Mongolia using electrical impedance tomography,Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation (2016)

[132] H. Ammari, J. Garnier, L. Giovangigli, W. Jing, and J.K. Seo, Spectroscopic imaging of a dilute cell suspension. Journal of European Mathematical Society (2016)

 [131]H. Ammari,  J.K. Seo and L. Zhou, Viscoelastic modulus reconstruction using time harmonic vibrations,  Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (2015)

[130]  H. Ammari,  H. Kwon, Y. Lee, K. Kang, and J.K. Seo, Magnetic resonance-based reconstruction method of conductivity and permittivity distributions at the Larmor frequency, Inverse Problem (2015)

[129] H. Ammari,  K.H. Lee, K. Kang, and J.K. Seo*, A pressure distribution imaging technique with conductive membrane using electrical impedance tomography, SIAM J. on Applied Math (2015) 

[128] Hyeuknam Kwon, Jung-il Choi, Jin Keun Seo, An electrical impedance monitoring method of water-lubricated oil transportationFlow Measurement and Instrumentation (2015)

[127] Tingting Zhang , Liangdong Zhou, Habib Ammari, Jin Keun Seo*, Electrical impedance spectroscopy-based defect sensing technique in estimating cracks, Sensors (2015)

[126] H. Ammari, E. Bretin, P. Millien,  L. Seppecher and J.K. Seo, Mathematical modeling in full-field optical coherence elastography, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (2015).

[125] Hyoung Suk Park, Yong Eun Chung , and Jin Keun Seo*, CT Beam Hardening Artifacts: Mathematical Characterization and Analysis, Philosophical Transactions A  Royal Society  (2015) 

[124] Jeaseong Jang and Jin Keun Seo*, Detection of admittivity anomaly on high-contrast heterogeneous backgrounds using frequency difference EIT, Physiological Measurement (2015)

[123]  H. Ammari, P. Grasland-Mongrain, P. Millien, J.K. Seo, and L. Seppecher, A mathematical and numerical framework for ultrasonically-induced Lorentz force electrical impedance tomography. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (2015)

[122]  H. Ammari, H. Kwon, E. Lee, J.K. Seo, and E.J. Woo, Mathematical modeling of mechanical vibration assisted conductivity imaging. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (2015 )

[121] Jaeseong Jang, Chi Young Ahn, Kiwan Jeon, Jung Heo, DongHak Lee, Chulmin Joo, Jung-il Choi,  and Jin Keun Seo,  A Reconstruction Method of Blood Flow Velocity in Left Ventricle Using Doppler Ultrasound, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (2015)

[120]CY Ahn, BK Kim, MK Hong, Y Jang, J Heo, C Joo, JK Seo, Automated Measurement of Stent Strut Coverage in Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography, J. Korean physical society (2015)

[119]J Shin, J Lee,M Kim, N Choi, JK Seo,and DH Kim, Quantitative Conductivity Estimation Error due to Statistical Noise in Complex B1+ Map, Journal of the Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine(2014)

[118]  Lee  Eun Jung, Wi  Hun, McEwan Lee Alistair, Farooq  Adnan, Sohal  Harsh, Woo  Eung Je, Seo  Jin Keun, Oh  Tong In, Design of a microscopic electrical impedance tomography system for 3D continuous non-destructive monitoring of tissue culture, BioMedical Engineering OnLine (2014)

[117] Jae Kyu Choi, Hyoung Suk Park, Shuai Wang, Yi Wang, Jin Keun Seo*, Inverse Problem in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, SIAM IS, 2014.

[116]  Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo, Electrical tissue property imaging at low frequency using MREIT, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 2014  (IEEE BME 60th anniversary -Invited paper)

[115] Hyeuknam Kwon, Yoon Mo Jung, Jaeseok Park, and Jin Keun Seo*, New computer-aided method for detecting brain metastases on contrast-enhanced MR images, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 2014

[114] Tushar Kanti Bera, Youssoufa Mohamadou,Kyoung Hun Lee,Hun Wi,Tong In Oh, Eung Je Woo, Manuchehr Soleimani,Jin Keun Seo, Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy for Electro-mechanical Characterization of Conductive Fabrics, Sensors , 2014 

[113]Tingting Zhang, Eunjung Lee, Jin Keun Seo, Anomaly depth detection in trans-admittance mammography: a  formula independent of anomaly size or admittivity contrast, Inverse Problems, 2014

[112] Moon Kyung Choi, Bastian Harrach and Jin Keun Seo, Regularizing a linearized EIT reconstruction method using a sensitivity based factorization method, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2014

[111] Bishai Karki, Hun Wi, Alistair MacEwan, Hyeuknam Kwon, Tongin Oh, Eung Je Woo, Jin Keun Seo, Evaluation of multi-electrode bioimpedance spectroscopy tensor probe to detect the anisotropic conductivity spectra of biological tissue, Measurement Science and Technology, 2014

[110] Y. Song and J K Seo*, Conductivity and permittivity image reconstruction at the Larmor frequency using MRI, SIAM J. Applied Math., 2013

[109] Y. Song, H. Kwon, K. Jeon, Y M Jung, J K Seo, E J Woo, Analysis and blocking of error propagation by region-dependent noisy data in MREIT, SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 2013

[108] Munkh-Erdene Ts, Eunjung Lee, Jin Keun Seo , Bastian Harrach , Sungwhan Kim, Projective electrical impedance reconstruction with two measurements, SIAM J. on Applied Math., 2013

 [107] Hyeuknam Kwon, Alistair L. McEwan, Tong In Oh, Adnan Farooq, Eung Je Woo, and Jin Keun Seo, A Local Region of Interest Imaging Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography with Internal Electrodes, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 964918, (2013)

 [106] Hyoung Suk Park, Jae Kyu Choi, Kyung-Ran Park, Kyung Sang Kim, Sang-Hwy Lee, Jong Chul Ye, and Jin Keun Seo,  Metal Artifact Reduction in CT by identifying missing data hidden in metals, Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2013

 [105] Jin Keun Seo, Tushar Kanti Bera, Hyeuknam Kwon and Rosalind Sadleir, Effective admittivity of biological tissues as a coefficient of elliptic PDE,  Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 353849, (2013)

[104] A. Yao, C. L. Yang, J. K. Seo, and M. Soleimani, EIT-Based Fabric Pressure Sensing, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2013, Article ID 405325, 2013

[103] Joonsung Lee, Yizhuang Song,Narae Choi, Sungmin Cho,Jin Keun Seo, and Dong-Hyun Kim, Noninvasive Measurement of Conductivity Anisotropy at Larmor Frequency Using MRI, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2013 , Article ID 421619, (2013)

[102] Ulrich Katscher, Dong-Hyun Kim, and Jin Keun Seo, Recent Progress and Future Challenges in MR Electric Properties Tomography, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 546562,  (2013)

[101] Kyung-Ran Park, Hyung-Seog Park, Zhengguo Piao, Moon-Key Kim, Hyung-Seog Yu, Jin Keun Seo, Sang-Hwy Lee, Three-dimensional vector analysis of mandibular structural asymmetry,  Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, 21, Jan 2013.

[100] Jiah Song, Oh In Kwon, Jin Keun Seo, Anisotropic elastic moduli reconstruction in transversely isotropic model using MRE,  Inverse Problems, Volume 28, Number 11, November 2012 , pp. 115003-115015(13)

[99] H. Kwon, H. Wi, B. Karki, E.J. Lee, A. McEwan, E.J. Woo, B. Harrach, J.K. Seo and T.I. Oh, Bioimpedance spectroscopy tensor probe for anisotropic measurements, Electronics Letter, 27 September 2012, Volume 48, Issue 20, p.1253-1255

[98] Jin Keun Seo, Dong-Hyun Kim, Joonsung Lee, Oh In Kwon, Saurav Z. K. Sajib and Eung Je Woo, Electrical tissue property imaging using MRI at dc and Larmor frequency, Inverse Problems, 28, (2012), 084002 (26pp)

[97] Sungwhan Kim, Eun Jung Lee, Eung Je Woo and Jin Keun Seo, Asymptotic analysis of the membrane structure to sensitivity of frequency-difference electrical impedance tomography, Inverse Problems, 28, (2012) 075004

[96] Eunjung Lee, Munkh-Erdene Ts, Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo, Breast EIT using a new projected image reconstruction method with multi-frequency measurements, Physiological Measurement, 33 (2012) 751?765

[95]  Jin Keun Seo, Min-oh Ghim, Joonsung Lee, Narae Choi, Eung Je Woo, Hyung Joong Kim, Oh In Kwon and Dong-Hyun Kim, Error Analysis of Nonconstant Admittivity for MR-Based Electric Property Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 31, no.2, Feb. 2012.

[94] Chi Young Ahn, Yoon Mo Jung*, Oh In Kwon, Jin Keun Seo, Fast segmentation of ultrasound images using robust Rayleigh distribution decomposition, Pages 3490-3500, Pattern Recognition, vol 45, Iss 9, 2012

[93]  Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo, Magnetic Resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT),  SIAM Review (2011) 

[92]  Jin Keun Seo, Kiwan Jeon, Chang-Ock Lee and Eung Je Woo, Non-iterative harmonic Bz algorithm in MREIT, Inverse Problems 27 (2011) 085003 (12pp)

[91]  Yizhuang Song , Eunjung Lee, Jin Keun Seo, Eung Je Woo, Optimal geometry toward uniform current density electrodes, Inverse Problems, Inverse Problems Vol.27, Issue 7, 2011.06.03

[90]  Chi Young Ahn, Yoon Mo Jung, Oh In Kwon, Jin Keun Seo, A Regularization Technique for Closed Contour Segmentation in Ultrasound Images, IEEE Transections on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol 58(8) 1577-1589, 2011.08

[89]  Tong In Oh, Young Tae Kim, Atul Minha, Jin Keun Seo, Oh In Kwon and Eung Je Woo, Ion mobility imaging and contrast mechanism of apparent conductivity in MREIT,  Physics in Medicine and Biology 56 (2011) 2265-2277

[88]  Eunjung Lee, Jin Keun Seo, Eung Je Woo and Tingting Zhang, Mathematical framework for a new microscopic electrical impedance tomography (micro-EIT) system, Inverse Problems 27 (2011) 055008.

[87]  Qin Liu, Tong In Oh, HunWi, Eun Jung Lee, Jin Keun Seo, and Eung Je Woo, Design of microscopic electrical impedance tomography (micro-EIT) system using two current injections, Physiological Measurement,  32 (2011) 08-10. pp. 1505?1516

[86] Sujin Ahn, Tong In Oh, Sung Chan Jun, Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo, Validation of weighted frequency-difference EIT using a three-dimensional hemisphere model and phantom, Physiological Measurement, 32 (2011) 1663-1680, 2011.09

[85] Bastian Harrach, Jin Keun Seo, "Exact shape-reconstruction by one-step linearization in electrical impedance tomography",  SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol 42, no 4, pp 1505-1518 (2010)

[84] Liu Jijun, Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo," A posteriori error estimates for the conductivity image reconstruction in MREIT", SIAM J. App. Math.,vol 70, no 8,pp 2883-2903 (2010)

[83] Bastian Harrach, Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo,"Factorization Method and Its Physical Justification in Frequency-Difference Electrical Impedance Tomography ",  IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol 19, no 10(2010)

[82]  Kiwan Jeon, Hyung Joong Kim, Chang-Ock Lee, Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo, Integration of the denoising, inpainting and local harmonic Bz algorithm for MREIT imaging of intact animals. Phys. Med. Biol. 55 (2010) 7541-7556

[81]  Hyenkyun Woo, Yoon Mo Jung, Jeong-Gyoo Kim, and Jin Keun Seo,"Environmentally Robust Motion Detection for Video Surveillance",IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 19, NO. 10 (2010)

[80] Tae Hwi Lee, Chi Young Ahn, Oh In Kwon, and Jin Keun Seo,"A hybrid inversion method for shear modulus imaging using time-harmonic vibrations", Inverse Problems vol 26, pp1-13(2010)

[79] Hyenkyun Woo, Sungwhan Kim, Hyea Hyun Kim,  Jin Keun Seo, Mathematical Background for Robust and real-time electrical capacitance tomography and Mathematical, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, vol 18, no 5, pp 691-709 (2010)

[78]  Bastian Harrach, Jin Keun Seo,"Detecting Inclusions in electrical impedance tomography without reference measurements", SIAM J. on Applied Mathematics, vol 69, no 6 pp 1662-1681 (2009)

[77]  Sungwhan Kim, Jin Keun Seo, and Teayoung Ha, "A nondestructive evaluation method for concrete voids: frequency differential electrical impedance scanning", SIAM J. App. Math. vol 69, no 6 pp 1759-1771 (2009)

[76]  Jihyeon Kuen, Eung Je Woo and Jin Keun Seo, Multi-frequency time-difference complex conductivity imaging of canine and human lungs using the KHU Mark1 EIT system, Physiol. Meas. 30 S149?-S164(2009)

[75]  Oh In Kwon, Chunjae Park, Hyun Soo Nam, Eung Je Woo,, Jin Keun Seo, K.J. Glaser, A. Manduca, and R.L. Ehman, Shear Modulus Decomposition Algorithm in Magnetic Resonance Elastography, IEEE Transection Medical Imaging, vol. 28(10):1526-33. (2009)

[74]  Sung Chan Jun , Jihyeon Kuen , Jeehyun Lee , Eung Je Woo, David Holder and Jin Keun Seo, Frequency-difference EIT (fdEIT) using weighted difference and equivalent homogeneous admittivity validation by simulation and tank experiment, Physiol. Meas. 30 (2009) 1087-1099

[73]  Kiwan Jeon, Atul S Minhas, Young Tae Kim,Woo Chul Jeong, Hyung Joong Kim, Byeong Teck Kang, Hee Myung Park, Chang-Ock Lee, Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo, MREIT conductivity imaging of the postmortem canine abdomen using CoReHA, Physiol. Meas. 30 957-966(2009)

[72]  Hyung Joong Kim, Young Tae Kim, Atul S. Minhas, Woo Chul Jeong, Eung Je Woo, Jin Keun Seo, and O Jung Kwon, In Vivo High-resolution Conductivity Imaging of the Human Leg using MREIT: the First Human Experiment, IEEE Transection Medical Imaging, VOL. 28, NO. 11, pp 1681-1687, November 2009

[71] Jin Keun Seo, Bastian Harrach, Eung Je Woo, Recent Progress on Frequency Difference Electrical Impedance Tomography, ESAIM:PROCEEDINGS, April 2009, Vol. 26,pp. 150-161

[70] Kiwan Jeon , Chang-Ock Lee , Hyung Joong Kim , Eung Je Woo , Jin Keun Seo, CoReHa, conductivity reconstructor using harmonic algorithms for magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography, J. Biomed. Eng. Res. vol 30, 279-287(2009)

[69] Jin Keun Seo, Jeehyun Lee, Sung Wan Kim, Habib Zribiand Eung Je Woo2 Frequency-difference electrical impedance

tomography (fdEIT): algorithm development and feasibility study, 9 Physiol. Meas. 29 (2008) 929-944

[68]  Magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT) for high-resolution conductivity imaging, Eung Je Woo and Jin Keun Seo, Physiol. Meas. 29 (2008) R1-R26

[67] Local Harmonic $B_z$-Algorithm with Domain Decomposition in MREIT: Computer Simulation Study, Jin Keun Seo, Sung Wan Kim, Sungwhan Kim, Jijun Liu, Eung Je Woo, Kiwan Jeon, and Chang-Ock Lee,  IEEE Transection Medical Imaging, vol 27, no 12,pp 1754-1761 (2008.12)

[66] Multi-frequency trans-admittance scanner: mathematical framework and feasibility, Sungwhan Kim, Jeehyun Lee, Jin Keun Seo, Eung Je Woo, and Habib Zribi,  SIAM J. App. Math. vol 69, no 1 pp 22-36(2008)

[65]   On the convergence of the harmonic $B_z$ algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography , J.J. Liu, JK Seo, M. Sini, and Eung Je Woo, SIAM journal on applied mathematics. vol 67, pp 1259-1282 (2007)

[64] Feasibility of breast cancer lesion detection using multi-frequency trans-admittance scanner (TAS) with 10Hz to 500kHz bandwidth, Tong In Oh, Jeehyun Lee, Jin Keun Seo, Sung Wan Kim and Eung Je Woo, Physiological Measurement. vol 28, pp S71-S84 (2007)

[63] Mathematical framework for current density imaging due to discharge of electro-muscular disruption devices , Jeehyun Lee, Jin Keun Seo, and Eung Je Woo,  Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. vol 41, pp 447-459(2007)

[62] Level Set based Bimodal Segmentation with Stationary Global Minimum , SH Lee and JK Seo, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol 15, no 9, 2831-2843(2006)

[61] Convergence properties and stability issues in MREIT algorithm, JJ Liu, HC Pyo, JK Seo, and EJ Woo , Contemporary math. vol 51, no 5, 201-218 (2006)

[60] A direct tracking method for a grounded conductor inside a pipeline from capacitance measurements, HK Woo, SW Kim, JK Seo, B Lionhart, EJ Woo, Inverse Problem 22 no. 2 481-494 (2006)

[59] Mathematical Framework for Bz-Based MREIT Model in Electrical Impedance Imaging(Ohin Kwon,  HC Pyo, J. K. Seo, and E. J. Woo),  Computer and Mathematics with Applications, vol 51, no 5, 817-828(2006)

[58] Conductivity Image reconstruction from defective data in MREIT; Numerical simulation and animal experiment,  Suk-Ho Lee, Jin Keun Seo, Byung Il Lee, Eung Je Woo, Soo Yeol Lee, Ohin Kwon and Jooyoung Hahn,    IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging. vol 25, no 2, pp  168-176 (2006.2)

[57]  Basic setup for breast conductivity imaging using magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography, Byung Il Lee, Suk Hoon Oh, Tae-Seong Kim, Eung Je Woo1, Soo Yeol Lee1, Ohin Kwon2 and Jin Keun Seo, Phys. Med. Biol. 51, pp 443-455 (2006.1)

[56]  Identification of current density distribution in electrically conducting subject with anisotropic conductivity distribution", Hyun Chan Pyo, Ohin Kwon, Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo, Phys. Med. Biol. 50 (2005) 3183-3196

[55] Harmonic Decomposition in PDE-Based Denoising Technique for Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography, Byung Il Lee, Suk-Ho Lee, Tae-Seong Kim, Ohin Kwon, Eung Je Woo, Member, IEEE, and Jin Keun Seo, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 52, NO. 11,  1912-1920, NOVEMBER 2005

[54] Noise analysis in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography at 3 and 11 T field strengths, Rosalind Sadleir, Samuel Grant, Sung Uk Zhang, Byung Il Lee, Hyun Chan Pyo, Suk Hoon Oh, Chunjae Park, Eung Je Woo, Soo Yeol Lee, Ohin Kwon and Jin Keun Seo, Physiol. Meas. 26  875-884 (2005)

[53] Electrical conductivity images of biological tissue phantoms in MREIT, Suk Hoon Oh1, Byung Il Lee1, Eung Je Woo1, Soo Yeol Lee1, Tae-Seong Kim1, Ohin Kwon2 and Jin Keun Seo, Physiol. Meas. 26  S279-S288 (2005)

[52]  Electrical conductivity imaging using a variational method in Bz-based MREIT, Ohin Kwon, Chunjae Park, Eun-Jae Park, Jin Keun Seo, and Eung Je Woo, Inverse Problems 21 (2005) 969-980

Suk Ho Lee, Jin Keun Seo: Noise removal with Gauss curvature-driven diffusion. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14(7): 904-909 (2005)

[51]  Magnetic resonance electrical impedance imaging: conductivity and current density imaging, JK Seo, O Kwon, EJ Woo, J. Physics (proceeding)(2005)

[50]  Image reconstruction of anisotropic conductivity tensor distribution in MREIT: computer simulation study (JK Seo, HC Pyo, O. Kwon and E. J. Woo), Phys. Med. Biol. 49, pp4371-438  (2004)

[49]  On stability for a translated obstacle with impedance  boundary condition (JiJin Liu and Jin Keun Seo), Nonlinear Analysis 59, 731-744 (2004)

[48]  Magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography: phantom experiments using a 3.0 Tesla MRI system, (S. H. Oh, B. I. Lee, S. Y. Lee, E. J. Woo, M. H. Cho, JK Seo, O. Kwon),  Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 51, 1292-1296 (2004)

[47]  T-Scan Electrical Impedance Imaging System for Anomaly Detection , (Habib Ammari, Ohin Kwon, Jin Keun Seo and Eung Je Woo )  SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol  65, no 1, pp252-266 (2004)

[46]  Mathematical framework and lesion estimation algorithm for breast cancer detection: electrical impedance technique using TS2000 configuration , Jin Keun Seo, Ohin Kwon, Habib Ammari, and Eung Je Woo, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Eng., VOL. 51, NO. 11, pp1898-1906, November 2004

[45]  Electrical conductivity imaging using gradient Bz decomposition algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT), Chunjae Park, Ohin Kwon, Eung Je Woo, and Jin Keun Seo, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging vol 23, no 3, pp 388-394 (March 2004)

[44]  Static conductivity imaging using variational gradient Bz algorithm in Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT), Physiological Measurement, [Chunjae Park, Eun-Jae Park, Eung Je Woo, Ohin Kwon and Jin Keun Seo, vol 25, no. 1, pp257-271(2004.2)

[43] Uniqueness and convergence of conductivity image reconstruction in Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography, Yong Jung Kim, Ohin Kwon, JinKeun Seo and Eung Je Woo, Inverse Problems 19, 1213-1225 (2003)

[42]  Conductivity and current density image reconstruction using harmonic Bz algorithm in MREIT, Physics in Medicine and Biology 48, Suk Hoon Oh, Byung Il Lee, Eung Je Woo, Soo Yeo Lee, Min Hyoung Cho, Ohin Kwon and Jin Keun Seo, pp3103-3116(2003.9)

[41]  Reconstruction of conductivity and current density image with only one component of magnetic field measurements, Jin Keun Seo, Jeong-Rock Yoon, Eung Je Woo, and Ohin Kwon, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Eng., vol 50, no 9, pp 1121-1124 (2003)

[40] Three-Dimensional Forward Solver and its performance analysis for Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT)using recessed electrodes, B. I. Lee, S. H. Oh, E. J. Woo, S. Y. Lee, M. H. Cho, O. Kwon, J. K. Seo, J. Y. Lee, and W. S. Baek, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48, pp 1971-1986(2003)

[39] Reconstruction of current density distributions in axially symmetric cylindrical sections using one component of magnetic flux density: computer simulation study, J. K. Seo, O. Kwon, B. I. Lee, and E. J. Woo, Physiological Measurement, vol 24, pp 565-578, (2003.5)

[38] Static resistivity image of a cubic saline phantom in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT), B. I. Lee, S. H. Oh, E. J. Woo, S. Y. Lee, M. H. Cho, O. Kwon, and J. K. Seo, Physiological Measurement, 24, pp 579-590(2003.5)

[37] An accurate formula for the reconstruction of conductivity Inhomogeneity, Ammari Habib and Jin Keun Seo, Advances in Applied Math, vol 30, 679-705 (2003)

[36] Estimation of Anomaly Location and Size using Electrical Impedance Tomography, O. Kwon, J. R. Yoon, J. K. Seo, and E. J. Woo, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Eng., vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 89-96(2003)

[35] On a nonlinear partial differential equation arising in Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography, S. W. Kim, O. Kwon, J. K. Seo, J. R. Yoon, SIAM J. Math. Analysis, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 511-526, (2002)

[34]  Location Search Techniques for a grounded conductor, (Kwon, Ohin; JK Seo,  Sung Whan Kim), SIAM J. Applied Math., 62 , no. 4, 1383--1393 (2002)

[33] J-substitution algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT): phantom experiments for static resistivity images,(H. S. Khang, B. I. Lee, S. H. Oh, E. J. Woo, S. Y. Lee, M. H. Cho, O. I. Kwon, J. R. Yoon, JK Seo ) IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging,  vol 21, no 6, pp 695-702 , (2002)

[32] Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT)using Internal Current Density Distribution: Simulation Study,  ( O Kwon, JK Seo , JR Yoon, EJ Woo), IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, vol 49, no 2 pp 160-167, 2002

[31] A real-time algorithm for the location search of discontinuous conductivities with one measurement. (O Kwon, JK Seo , JR Yoon), Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 55, no. 1, 1--29, (2002)

[30]  Total size estimation and identification of multiple anomalies in the inverse conductivity problem. Inverse Problems 17 (2001), no. 1, 59--75.  (with Kwon, Ohin)

[29] Optimal size estimates for the inverse conductivity problem with one measurement. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), no. 1, 53--64. (with  Alessandrini, G.; Rosset, E.)

[28]  Lipschitz stability estimates for translations and balls in inverse scattering. Inverse Problems 16 (2000), no. 2, 293--301. (with Kwon, Ohin )

[27]  Identification of two-phase free boundary arising in plasma physics. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 31 (2000), no. 6, 1295--1306 (with Lee, June-Yub)

[26]  Identification of domains with near-extreme conductivity: global stability and error estimates. Inverse Problems 15 (1999), no. 4, 851--867. (with Kang, Hyeonbae)

[25]  Inverse conductivity problem with one measurement: uniqueness of balls in $R^3$. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 59 (1999), no. 5, 1533--1539    (with  Kang, Hyeonbae )

[24]  Inverse conductivity problem with one measurement: error estimates and approximate identification for perturbed disks. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 30 (1999), no. 4, 699--720  (with  Fabes, Eugene; Kang, Hyeonbae)

[23] Identification problems in linear elasticity. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 215 (1997), no. 2, 514--531. (with Kim, Hyunseok)

[22]  The inverse conductivity problem with one measurement: stability and

estimation of size. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 28 (1997), no. 6, 1389--1405. (with Kang, Hyeonbae;  Sheen, Dongwoo)

[21] Numerical identification of discontinuous conductivity coefficients.

Inverse Problems 13 (1997), no. 1, 113--123.   (with  Kang, Hyeonbae;  Sheen, Dongwoo)

[20] Identification of a free boundary arising in a magnetohydrodynamics

system. Inverse Problems 13 (1997), no. 5, 1301--1309. (with Kang, Kyung-Keun; Lee, June-Yub)

[19] Unique determination of a collection of a finite number of cracks from two boundary measurements. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 27 (1996), no. 5, 1336--1340. (with Kim, Hyunseok )

[18]  The layer potential technique for the inverse conductivity problem. Inverse Problems 12(1996), no. 3, 267--278.  (with  Kang, Hyeonbae)

[17] On the uniqueness in the inverse conductivity problem. J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 2 (1996), no. 3, 227--235.

[16] Cauchy transforms on polynomial curves and related operators. Nagoya Math. J. 138 (1995),19--32.  (with Kang, Hyeonbae)

[15]  Regularity for solutions of a certain elliptic equation near a nonsmooth interface. Nonlinear Anal. 23 (1994), no. 7, 949--952. (with Pahk, Dae Hyeon )

[14] Unimodular wavelets for $L^2$ and the Hardy space H^2. Michigan Math. J. 41 (1994), no. 2, 345--361. (with Ha, Young-Hwa; Kang, Hyeonbae; Lee, Jungseob)

[13]  L^2-boundedness of the Cauchy transform on smooth non-Lipschitz curves. Nagoya Math. J. 130 (1993), 123--147. (with Kang, Hyeonbae)

[12] The inverse conductivity problem with one measurement: uniqueness for  convex polyhedra. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 122 (1994), no. 1, 183--189. (with Barcelo, Bartolomo; Fabes, Eugene )

[11]  Regularity properties of solutions to transmission problems. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 338 (1993), no. 1, 405--430. (with Escauriaza, Luis)

[10]  The spectral radius of the classical layer potentials on convex domains, 129--137, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 42, Springer, New York, 1992. (with Fabes, Eugene; Sand, Mark)

[09] Magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography. Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 16 (2001), no. 3, 519--541. (with Kwon, Ohin; ; Woo, Eung Je; Yoon, Jeong-Rock)

[08]Electrical impedance imaging for searching anomalies. Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 16 (2001), no. 3, 459--485. (with Kwon, Ohin;  Woo, Eung Je; Yoon, Jeong-Rock)

[07] Inverse conductivity problems and electrical impedance tomography. (Korean) Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 16 (2001), no. 3, 333--369. (with  Kang, Hyeonbae )

[06] A note on uniqueness and stability for the inverse conductivity problem with one measurement.  J. Korean Math. Soc. 38 (2001), no. 4, 781--791. (with Kang, Hyeonbae)

 [05] Recent progress in the inverse conductivity problem with single measurement. Inverse problems and related topics (Kobe, 1998), 69--80, Chapman \& Hall/CRC Res. Notes Math., 419, Chapman \& Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2000.  (with Kang, Hyeonbae)

[04] Global shape of free boundary satisfying Bernoulli type boundary condition. J. Korean Math. Soc. 37 (2000), no. 1, 31--44.  (with Lee, June-Yub)

[03] On stability of a transmission problem. J. Korean Math. Soc. 34 (1997), no. 3, 695--706. (with Kang, Hyeonbae)

[02] Regularity for solutions of biharmonic equation on Lipschitz domain. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 33 (1996), no.1, 17--28.

[01] On the restrictions of BMO. J. Korean Math. Soc. 31 (1994), no. 4,703--707. (with Kang, Hyeonbae; Shim, Yong-sun)





  • Tingting Zhang, Tushar Kanti Bera, Eung Je Woo, Jin Keun Seo, Spectroscopic Admittivity Imaging of Biological Tissues: Challenges and Future Directions, J. of KSIAM, vol 18, No 2, pp77-105,  2014.6

  • Jin Keun Seo, Hamdi Zorgati, Compactness and Dirichlet's Principle, J. of KSIAM, vol 18, No 2,  2014.6

  • Jin Keun Seo, Sukho Lee, Automatic motion detection using false background elimination, J. of KSIAM, vol 17, No 1, pp47-54,  2013.3






  • 10-14 Aug. 2015,  ICIAM 2015 at Beijing ( (초청강연)

  • 16-19 Aug.2015,The 2nd Chongqing workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics(CQWCAM2), Chongqing University in Chongqing China (초청강연)

  • 10-14 Aug. 2015,   mini-symposium of 2015 ICIAM, recent mathematical and computational studies of inverse problems in various wave propagation models, including acoustic, electromagnetic, optical, elasticity, and quantum wave propagation. (초청강연) 

  •  6-9 Aug. 2015,   Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Satellite Conference of 2015 ICIAM, International Conference on Inverse Problems hosted by Department of Mathematics and Center for Interdisciplinary Applied and Computational Mathematics (초청강연)

  • 2014. 12.15 - 12.20, The 7th International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics” at National Taiwan University, Taipei, (Scientific committee)

  • 2014. July 23-26: The 6th Annual National Conference on Inverse Problems in China, 기조강연 (2014.07):  강연:  Electromagentic tissue property MRI(초청강연)

  • 2014. Aug. 23-28, PTA2014, Bristol, UK ( 브리스톨에서 개최되는 역문제 저널 309주년 기념 학회 참석 및 발표(초청강연)

  • 2014. 4. 24(목) ~ 26(토), 대한수학회 2014년 봄학기 대중강연(서진근, 수학적 사고와 계산과학)강릉원주대학교(강릉캠퍼스)

  • 2014. 5.2; KAIST, CMC 정오의 수학산책(서진근, Compactness and Dirichlet Principle)

  • 2013.11.22-23, KSIAM 2013 기조강연 (서진근, Electromagentic tissue proeprty imaging)

  • 2013.07.01-05, Applied Inverse problems, 대전 (기조강연)



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